Mais um desafio para o blog Sketchy Thursdays. As fotos que usei são da minha avó materna, pouco tempo antes de ela falecer, com a minha sobrinha mais velha, a primeira bisneta da parte da minha mãe. É pena estarem um pouco estragadas, visto que já têm cerca de 18 anos. O problema são os próprios negativos...
One more challenge for Sketchy Thursdays blog. The pictures I used are from my grandmother, from my mother side, right before she died, with my older niece, the first great grandaughter, also from my mother side. They were taken about 18 years ago. The problem is that the negatives are ruined also...
What a heartwarming page! Thanks for playing along with us!
ResponderEliminar-Diana, Sketchy Thursdays founder
What a beautiful and touching layout. Thank you for sharing with us! Thanks for playing along!
ResponderEliminar- Heidi, Sketchy Thursdays
What special pictures, those are wonderful! Thanks for playing along and don't forget to link up to the blog at for a chance to win a rak!
ResponderEliminarJennifer C. Sketchy Thursdays & SBKC DT